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Calico Publishing

Available in Paperback


‘This is an amazing resource for anyone who is dying and for those caring for them, and is also essential reading for all health professionals. The approach is holistic, the writing sensitive, and the advice practical and easy to follow. It is a book to come back to again and again.’ — Mary Schumacher, Chief Executive, Hospice New Zealand

This book has been written to help anyone who is dying, and their family and carers. The terminal stages of life are like all the rest, in being times for people to live through as richly as they can — but many special practicalities are likely to arise. Drawing on years of experience in hospice care and counselling, Sue Wood and Peter Fox discuss what they and others have found happening in the final stages of illness — what the dying person can expect, what others have found important to do — and generally how to respond positively and practically to the challenges of this difficult journey.

The authors also address the people involved in day-to-day care and nursing, as well as the professionals. Their aim is to help people deal positively with the difficulties they encounter, no matter how distressing, and to enhance the dignity and comfort of all concerned. This book will help readers deal with the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the patient and those caring for them, and to enhance the dignity and comfort of all concerned. Originally published in South Africa, the book has been adapted for New Zealand by Karen McMillan.


Feast or Famine

Random House

Available in Trade Paperback or e-book


Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating are rife in today’s society, affecting thousands of women and, increasingly, men. These disorders can be incredibly destructive, affecting not only the body but the mind. Food becomes a weapon of self-destruction in the face of societal problems, low self-esteem and emotional problems. 

Feast or Famine is a comprehensive guide for those currently battling an eating disorder and for their families and friends. It covers facts about each of the three main disorders and features first-hand accounts and interviews with doctors and psychologists working on the front line of the battle for recovery.

Karen, a former anorexic, knows full well the horror of being in the grip of an eating disorder. Yet the message of this book is hope, featuring the inspirational stories of survivors and many practical suggestions for getting help, including the latest information on treatment and therapy.


Praise for Feast or Famine:

'Karen McMillan has written Feast or Famine, an excellent guide for anyone either battling a disorder of their own, or needing to understand and help a family member or friend. She also puts into perspective our culture's obsessions with thinness, and dieting. Herself a former anorexic, she speaks to fellow suffers as well as professionals, and the second half of the book is a very practical guide to "getting help".' Margie Thomson, Herald on Sunday.


'Karen McMillan gives an honest, intelligent account of eating disorders and where to turn for help.' Kia Ora Magazine 

Retire Right

New Holland

Available in Trade Paperback

If you're looking for help and encouragement on putting money aside for your later years, you will find it in Retire Right. Retire Right sets out to help us plan a comfortable retirement so that we can achieve our life goals and enjoy today. Some of the issues covered in Retire Right include: How much money is needed; Superannuation and savings help from the government; Risk profiling; Choosing investments; Managed funds; Whether, and how, to choose an adviser; Dealing with debt; Self-employment; Estate planning. The book includes a CD containing calculators to help readers plot out their own financial future. Karen McMillan assisted with the manuscript.

Unleash Your Inner Seductress

​McKenzie Publishing

Available in e-book


Unleash Your Inner Seductress is the ultimate guide for women looking to increase their confidence, reclaim their femininity and enjoy life to the full. Accessible for both single women and those in relationships, it explores themes of building confidence and tapping into a woman’s natural femininity, tricks of making the most of your physical assets, and taking this information and putting it into action. Unleash Your Inner Seductress will help women everywhere enjoy the benefits of their inner seductress. Here they learn how unleashing their own charm, beauty, sophistication and intelligence can enrich their entire lives, whether it be in the boardroom, bedroom or at a social gathering.

The book includes quotes from famous seductive women throughout history and hot tips on how best to allow your inner seductress to emerge true to your personality. Being in touch with their inner seductress in everyday life has never been more fun, or more deliciously glorious, as women discover their own unique X-factor with all the confidence and fun this brings to their life! Discover how to reclaim your femininity, understand the power of persuasion and how to use your charm effectively. Learn how to establish rapport and to have confidence in your natural beauty. This is a book that focuses on the meaning of ‘seduce’ that means to ‘win over and attract’ rather than leading astray, and it will enrich women’s lives whether they are asking the boss for a pay rise, meeting people for the first time at a party, or going out on a date with a lover.


Praise for Unleash Your Inner Seductress:

'Unleash Your Inner Seductress is both practical and imaginative, and leaves no stone unturned on the path to uncovering the world of seduction. It is the ideal accomplice to the task of unleashing your signature brand of charm, beauty and sophistication.'



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